Pure and unblemished religion as it is expressed in outward acts in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit and look after the fatherless and the widows in their distress, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the secular world.
James 1:27
We build the future and community through development with focus on education, family, economy and entrepreneurialism, arts and sports, and religion.

John from Philippines
Pastor John from the Philippines was once a drug addict who lost everything he had. He was homeless and hopeless until he found Christ. He started a ministry to help other drug addicts and homeless people in his community. He provides them with food, shelter, and clothing, and shares the gospel with them. Many people have come to know Christ through his ministry, and they have been transformed by the power of God.

Raj from India
Pastor Raj from India was once a Hindu priest who converted to Christianity. He started a church in his village and began sharing the gospel with his fellow villagers. He faced a lot of opposition from the local authorities and other religious leaders, but he did not give up. He continued to preach the gospel and help the poor and needy in his community. Many people have come to know Christ through his ministry, and they have been blessed by his love and compassion.

Bat from Mongolia
Pastor Bat from Mongolia was once a nomadic herder who lived in the Gobi desert. He became a Christian after hearing the gospel from a missionary. He started a church in his village and began sharing the gospel with other nomads. He faced a lot of challenges, including harsh weather conditions and a lack of resources, but he did not give up. He continued to preach the gospel and help the poor and needy in his community. Many people have come to know Christ through his ministry, and they have been blessed by his love and compassion.